Update from the Chairman: 22nd May
Hope you are all well.
The committee have discussed the possibility of firing up the pizza oven, in line with our licence and Government guidelines and would like to hear your opinion on the matter. Please let us know by email.
Our suggestion is as follows:
· Operates two nights per week 5-8pm
· Orders to be placed in advance
· Members only
· Take away only – decking closed
· Contactless payment preferred
· Pizza and two bottles of Bud - £10 or 2 pizzas and a bottle of wine - £20.
· Social distancing a must.
· Specific Covid-19 risk assessment and method statements to be in place.
· Anti-bacterial gel to be available.
· Building closed to members, except the caterers
· Maximum 100 pizzas.
We would intend to initially have a trial run of maybe 10-20 pizzas to make sure we are comfortable with the new procedures.
Work on the new nets will be completed on Saturday morning. They will then be available for use, in line with Government and ECB guidelines, from Sunday 24th May. They can be used only during pre-booked times and a member of the main committee or cricket committee will be present to ensure the guidelines regarding numbers (strictly two per lane unless from the same household) and sanitisation, together with other rules are followed. Any paid-up cricketer, tavener or junior cricketer (inc their parent if a member) can book a slot.
Thanks to all those who have helped to get the facility completed over the last few weekends. There was a great turnout last Saturday.
Thanks, too, to the team who continue to work on the exterior of the building – more painting has been done and the roof of the older part of the building has been cleaned – looks much better.
There is also an article on the Cricket Club in today’s Bolton News
That’s it for now. Hopefully the ‘R’ number will continue to behave and we can look forward to a further relaxation of lockdown as we edge towards some cricket later in the season.
Stay safe.
Dave Enright